Organisation Activities
Activities of the organisations
01 Cyprus
First of all, we have to introduce our webpage from Cyprus Organisation (applicant organisation). In Cyprus we have created the webpage and we had a lot of activities that were disseminate in our webpage in Instagram, in Facebook and webpage of the organisation.
Webpage of the program:
In the webpage you can find all the activities, aims and description of the program as well as a lot of photos of the activities.
Facebook and Instagram posts during the project implementation and after this. In September we had a presentation of the participants in the training in the meeting of our association.
02 Poland
Report on the Erasmus+ project SENAD - Zespół Szkół Salezjańskich DON BOSCO we Wrocławiu
Before the training all the participants met on the on-line meeting to be introduced to the main topics of our project, they had recived all the important information that helped them in further preparations for the training.
During the preparation to Erasmus+ project SENAD participants from Poland were increasing their knowledge about dicrimination in Poland and other European countries. The attendees gained knowledge about situation on a labour market in Poland and they also tried to come up with idea how to overcome a problem of gender gap on a labour market.
Due pandemic worldwide situations, we had to organise on-line meetings (instead of ones in reality) and we were not able to perform all the ideas. During the meetings, participants were preparing posters and Power Point presentations which were shared in the organisation and among the participants. The particpiants also were sharing gathered infomation and ideas especially about discrimination on a labour market. The attendees were trying to understand situations of dicriminated people and they were sharing if they have ever been discriminated and in which areas.
The participants also were gathering information and dicussing about social enerpreneurships in Poland, they had to think of such enterprenership and cocnculde how they affect the society. They also had to focus on at least five of the social enetrpeneurships and share gahtered information with others.
During the training on Cyprus (13.06-20.06) the participants were sharing information, collected during preparation, with other organisations. The attendees awareness of different kind of discriminations has increased. Organisations were also able to get to know with what different people have to cope with in partnership countries and we were also able to share information about Poland. The participants took part in activities about people with disabilities, social enterpreneurships and how to establish one, about excluded people form society and more. This kind of activities were eye opening and motivating to make a change.
The participants from Poland presented gathered information and enabled other participants to compare situation on Polish labour market to their own countries. The Polish team also shared cultural and information about Polish traditions.
During the stay on Cyprus, on our organisation's webpage, every day were published short notes with attached photos so our followers were enabled to track our progress.
After the training that took place on Cyprus, participants are motivated and ready to make changes. Our organistion would like to share awarness even more that's why the participants are going to share article to our organisation's newspaper so our followers would be able to read about our preparations and training for this project. We are going to also make posters about knowledge we gained and to encourage our community to be more engaged in social life.
If the pandemic situation will not get any worse, we would like to perform activities (in our organisation) about e.g. disabilities, refugees and privileges so our community would be able to understand others situations' and we would increase awareness of how privileged most of us are.
03 North Macedonia
Well, the preparation with the Macedonian group was mostly on the topic of social entrepreneurship. The participants received useful resources which were later discussed in online sessions.
All our preparation was done online because the participants we selected were from the opposite part of the country, coming from 3 different towns, so online was the only viable option. The dissemination, for example, was done in a 5th town, where the participants in the TC attended a summer camp and used the opportunity to disseminate the results of the project to a large group of youngsters. The towns encompassed are Skopje, Ohrid, Struga, Sveti Nikole and Radovish. The summer camp was attended by participants from the whole country and among them were youngsters with fewer opportunities too.
Coming back to the preparation period, the participants have a good grasp of English so they didn't need any language training.
The participants had a meeting with the host - ACPELIA, as mediated by CRD - SEE, and they also contacted the other youngsters from the group by being involved in an online Facebook group for the project.
The participants were assisted with the planning of their trip to Cyprus, with the special permits they needed, the PCR tests (which in the end they didn't need to do), the purchase of the tickets (which was done in coordination with CRD - SEE and ACPELIA).
And last but not least, the participants received psychological support and reassurance throughout the preparation, implementation and dissemination of the project by the project coordinator of CRD - SEE.
Dissemination Pages that you can find the above:
04 Portugal
Preparations for the project
A week before the start of the project, our team met to debate the topic, consider what kind of approach we should take and how it could be conveyed in a more consensual and clear way.
Studying the various types of discrimination and experimenting with a wide variety of statists about it, we chose to address not the numbers, not the types of discrimination, but the types of solutions to minimize this social problem.
The Associação Nó Górdio has, together with the Câmara Municipal de Paredes, several projects aiming precisely the discrimination decrease. The Golf Project (GEPS - Estratégia De Promoção de Sucessos) seemed to us the most suitable, not only because of its success but also because it shows one of the possible ways to combat discrimination, namely concerning students with less learning abilities.
In CYPRUS - Pissouri
Participant Countries /Teams
Portugal was in contact with 8 more nationalities from Europe, namely, Cyprus, Croatia, the Republic of Macedonia, Spain, Italy, Romania, Poland and Latvia. Nine different countries, with different languages and cultures together with a mission of debate and find solutions for all kinds of discrimination. A great team with a good mood without communication problems. All share some of their cultures and exhibited their discrimination matters and concerns.
We want to highlight the presence of the Romanian partner Helen Tsurcan. Her strength, participation and determination were a source of learning and motivation for all of us. Helen offered us the ability to understand that the limitations of a blind person are not an excuse to die for life, and cannot be a reason for discrimination, but an example of life that we must follow and realize that we have more to learn with their capabilities than with ours. Thank you very much Organization, Romania and Helen.
The organization provided a diverse set of activities that allowed us to see and feel the discrimination in its multiple levels/types. We will mention the activities that, in our opinion, contributed the most to the understanding of the topic.
The early morning Nature path walking was a great exercise and offered an amazing picture of the city of Pissouri. Given the difficulty of the route, especially given the altitude and heat, we realized that alone it would be very difficult to complete the same route, we realized that each one of us has its limitations and that all together, as a team, we can do the walk with ease, with good dialogue skills, with humour and with mutual help. The difficulties and limitations that each of us has can be minimized with the help of those around us. If we place the barrier of discrimination within the same group, we will not be able to move forward. We will all be unequal.
The guest activity was, from the same point of view, gratifying and enriching. The contact with people with different languages, especially the inhabitants of Pissouri, with the participating members and the search for places completely unknown to all of us provided learning about teamwork, motivation, orientation, focus and planning. Excellent activity.
Racism and refugees were treated very positively. The idea of being in the role of refugees or authorities or observers made us realize the human suffering, the corrupt and cold system of authorities as a whole and the inability of observers to be able to act on the same stage. The improvised dialogues were perhaps the key to the success of this activity. Although taken with some humor, it was noticeable the current situation of a large group of human beings who do not find the basic conditions of life.
The presentations by the member countries proved to be very enriching in terms of framing the different types of discrimination, the statists in each of the countries and how it was felt and observed.
Although the numbers are a great plan of what is currently happening, for us, the Portuguese team, it is vital to find solutions that are at the same time efficient and effective. We also highlight here the presentations from Romania and Latvia that showed us concrete projects to minimize discrimination. Just like us Portuguese, the whole of Europe still has a lot of room to walk, to understand that when we talk about discrimination, we are including a diverse population with added difficulties to build its future.
Learned Outcomes
This project allowed us all a very rich and varied learning. Discrimination was debated with great intensity, even when we were in periods of rest and socializing. We get totally different perception of what is discrimination, its different forms and that we should continue to fight for their extermination. The activities allowed feel the difficulties of those who suffer from it.
We also realize, with this group of work, new forms of communication, dialogue, mutual aid, motivation, focus, direction, and especially empathy.
Congratulations to this organization team. The physical conditions were ideal for the development of the work. Food, not always to our taste, but with a positive note.
Best of all, the organizing team showed its excellence. Always active, willing to help, with a fantastic smile and a very good disposition. Without giving names, to avoid injustice, our highest score for everyone. Let the next project come....
Dissemination is and will continue to be done on our social networks, the Associação Nó Górdio and individually by each one of us.
Team: Arménio Santos, Marlene Silva, Miguel Valério e Paula Oliveira.
05 Croatia Institute of Youth Power - Croatia
Before the Training the participants from Croatia planned their arrival and departure to the venue of the project in Pissouri. They had been preparing materials and information on the gender inequality, dissabilty and discrimination at work place that has previously had been known them during the Online Zoom Meeting on the 13th of May 2021.
Participants from Croatia also have been communication and preparing their presenatation and information about Croatia for the intercultural night.
During the project, participant have learned many things related to discrimination. Watching all countries' presentation it has increased more awareness and empathy towards the marginalized and target groups that are affected by discrimination, specifically labour discrimination.
Also, during the project from 13th till 20th of June, partcipants from Croatia gained more knowledge participating in different inclusive and interactive workshops about different types of disabillities and the hardships that these people are facing every single day.
Croatian team participated in all activities consisting different groups and countries activities and working on different topics like social entrepeneurship.
All of the trainers and organizers were well prepared and willing to assist in all of our inqueries and we were hospitalized on a very warm and in professional way.
After the project the team from Croatia has been in preparation for the dissemination of the project. The activitities that we are planning to do are sharing our experience and writing a report in the local media and if the Corona rules allow us we woudl like to organize interactive and performing workshops for youngsters but also for everyone who would like to join us in a non-discriminating activities and workhops about social entrepenehip that we did during the project.
Our goal is to let more people know about the discrimination and benefits connected to social entrepenership and make people realize and remind oursevles of the priviligaes we have or discrimiantion we are facing.
Only together we can make a change.
06 Romania Scout Society
For preparation for the Cyprus Training Course, we had to choose one topic of discrimination and present the situation in our country.
We decided to take the subject of discrimination against people with disabilities. The reason why we took this subject for the project is that one of the participants from Romania was a fully blind girl.
We wanted to create an experience for the other participants, not only to give them some data information. For this, we created an activity where we split the participants into 6 groups and each group had a disability. The group had to get into the role of the disability and go with it until the activity is done. For example, if the group disability was blind, they should communicate with covered eyes, if the group was deaf, they couldn't speak, and so on.
After project 3 organizations have contacted us to teach them how to implement the activity with disabilities and to present them the methodology of it. At least 2 of them already did the activity in their country and sent us great photos. We are happy that we could impact in a good way the people living around Europe and we could create a better inclusion way for people who are facing discrimination. We believe that these organizations will keep fighting against discrimination and they will be more aware of how to create a great impact.