Dissemination pages
Webpages that will ensure the visibility of Our Project (SENAD).
NGO ACPELIA CYPRUS will ensure visibility of the project through the following webpages:
- Webpage of the organization: www.acpelia.org
- Facebook Page of the organization: https://www.facebook.com/Acpelia
- Instagram of the organization: https://www.instagram.com/acpelia_cyprus/
- Personal webpage of the president of our organization: www.nikolas-nikolaou.net
- Open Facebook page of the program Association
CENTRE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT - SEE (Rebublic of North Macedonia) will ensure visibility of the project through the blog of the organization: https://volunteersstruga.blogspot.com/?fbclid=IwAR3iarQEUoRS44mhx5wU8Vif7UrhfsxF9oDNm8nNvrJu 4-ulNLSDH3dABz8
Zespół Szkół Salezjańskich DON BOSCO we Wrocławiu (Poland) will disseminate the program through the following webpages:
- Webpage of the organization: https://www.szkolapodstawowa.salez-wroc.pl/
- Facebook Page of the organization: https://www.facebook.com/salez2017/
Asociatia Scout Society (Romania) will ensure visibility of the project through the following webpages:
- Facebook Page of the organization: www.fb.com/scoutsociety
- Youtube link of the organization: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ3FHGtRYNo51hiJmtyRcXA
Institute of Youth Power (Croatia) will disseminate the program through the following webpages and other sources:
- Webpage of the organization: https://iyp-croatia.com/
- Facebook 1 page of the organization: https://www.facebook.com/groups/512135712297264/
- Facebook 2 page of the organization: https://www.facebook.com/iypcroatia/
- Linked in page of the president: https://hr.linkedin.com/in/leo-bartolec
- On line Radio station 1: https://www.facebook.com/RadioKorzo/
- On line Radio station 2: https://www.liveonlineradio.net/croatia/radio-korzo.htm
- On line Radio station 3: https://www.facebook.com/radio.sova.rijeka/
- On line Radio station 4: https://radio.hrt.hr/radio-rijeka/emisija/radio-sova/404/
- Radio Corso and Radio Sova (students radio)
NGO "Young Folks LV" (Latvia) will ensure visibility of the project through the following webpages: Webpage of the organization : https://youngfolks.lv/
- Facebook page of the organization: https://www.facebook.com/YoungFolksLv/
- Instagram of the organization : https://www.instagram.com/youngfolkslvofficial/?hl=en
- In a lot of webpages of other organizations in Latvia.
ASSOCIAÇÃO NÓ GÓRDIO (Portugal) will disseminate the program through the following webpages:
- Webpage of the organization: https://www.anogordio.com/
- Facebook Page of the organization: https://bit.ly/2RvVqKF
- Instagram Page of the organisation: https://www.instagram.com/anogordio/
Jump in Italy (Italy) will ensure visibility of the project through the following webpages:
- Webpage of the organisation: www.jumpinweb.eu
- Facebook Page of the organization: https://www.facebook.com/jumpinassociazione/
- Webpage 2: https://euroyouthontherun.tumblr.com/
- Webpage 3: https://youthexperience2013.tumblr.com/
- Webpage 4: https://eurotravelnews.wordpress.com/
- Webpage 5: https://ilpensatorepuglia.wordpress.com/
Asociación Egeria Desarrollo Social (Spain) will disseminate the program through the following webpages:
- Webpage of the organization: www.egeriadesarrollosocial.org
- Facebook Page of the organization: https://www.facebook.com/EgeriaDesarrolloSocial/
- Instagram Page of the organization: https://www.instagram.com/egeriadesarrollosocial/?hl=en
- Blog of the organisation: www.asociacionegeriadesarrollosocial.wordpress.com
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/EgeriaDsarrollo